jax robles

jax robles



“Hi! My name is Jax. My Mom likes to call me Monstrito (which means little monster) and my Dad likes to call me Bubba. Speaking of my parents, I met them in March of 2024. They love me A LOT. Like a lot a lot. Before I came to live with my parents, I was fostered by a really nice lady named Lisa. She helped me recover from a broken paw- ouch- but she took really good care of me and loved me a lot too! My mom sends her pictures of me every once in a while.

I am the bestest doggo and I love to lay on my back in the sunny grass. I also really like hugs and neck pets. Kids are the best and I want to lick their whole faces (my mama says I can’t though). I am learning new tricks all the time. I know how to sit, lay down, and spin in a circle. Mom says my most impressive trick is learning how to lay in bed quietly- I’m still working on this one though cause its hard.

I’m making new friends all the time. I just love people so much. If you see me out and about with my Mom or Dad, say hi! And if you come to my Mom’s work and I’m there, give me all the loves and I’ll try really hard not to kiss your face.”

-Jax, probably.